Warren H. Levicoff can help you WORLDWIDE with:
- Locating missing persons
- Insurance defense and death investigations
- Bail Enforcement & Fugitive Recovery
- Due diligence backgrounds on companies & individuals
- Executive Protection & protection of personal, equipment, property & information
- Certified to Teach Law Enforcement Firearms & has taught, Covert Entry & Lock Picking to Police
- Certain types of Domestic problems and surveillance
Certified instructor, law enforcement and civilian concealed firearms. Certified currently or in the past by:
- Pennsylvania State Police-Lethal Weapon (Act 235) Trainer
- National Rifle Association-Law Enforcement Department, Pistol, Revolver, Shotgun, Sub Machine-gun, and Tactical Shooting
- Colorado Department of Higher Education-DIV Occupational Schools
- State of Arizona Department of Public Safety
- State of Utah Department of Public Safety
- Hocking County Ohio Sheriff Department
- Fairfield County Ohio Sheriff Department
Licenses or certifications currently held:
- Pennsylvania Private Detective Licenses # MCPD 119
- New York Private Detective Licenses # 11000121330
- Ohio Private Investigator & Security Company # 201121001811
- California Private Investigator Licenses # 8830
- California Exposed Weapon Card # 93599
- Colorado Dept of Higher Education-Certified Security Instructor(Expired but renewable)
- Certified to Teach Private Investigator Continuing Education Credit Courses in: TX, LA, IN
- Pennsylvania Certified Agent, Lethal Weapons # 038388 & Instructor Certified # 0498 (Act 235)
- NRA Certified Law Enforcement Firearm Instructor: Pistol, Revolver & Shotgun, Tactical NRA Shooting Range Safety Officer
- State of Ohio Shooting Range Safety Officer & Concealed Firearms Carry Instructor
- State of Ohio Shooting School “Commander” (Certified to run a Security Firearms School) Expired but renewable
- Bonded Locksmith for 25 years
- Parachute & Scuba Certified
- Baton & Chemical Agent Certified-Pennsylvania and California
- Working Gun Permit for Private Investigators & Security Agents – Pennsylvania & California
- Concealed Firearms Licenses in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Utah. Reciprocal in 38 more States
Certified to teach:
- Pennsylvania State Act 235 Lethal Weapons Training – Firearms Module
- Arizona Concealed Carry Course for their Concealed Carry Permit
- Utah Concealed Carry Course for their Concealed Carry Permit(Expired but renewable)
- Ohio Concealed Firearms Carry Class for their Concealed Carry Permit
- Security Services in the State of Colorado (Expired but renewable)
- Law Enforcement: Pistol, Revolver, Shotgun, Sub Machine-Gun & Tactical Shooting